How big is baby: 39 Weeks | Watermelon
How I'm feeling: Earlier this week great. The last couple of days have been ALOT harder. We had some BP scares over the weekend. Having me do a 24 Urine collect and store pee in the fridge! (which means staying home all day) Who knew, then go in and get checked again to see if my proteins were set. So we have really been "prepared" for the possibility of induction the last 3-4 drives to WI.
Mentally it has definitely gotten harder, as we had to wrap our minds around inducing, you get excited. Because as much as I don't want an induction unless medically necessary, you know that it will bring forth a baby (usually within 24hrs or so) the unknown is taken away. So I definitely think it has made me more impatient than ever and now with the last two days getting really, really physically uncomfortable I totally can see how women just say "I am done!"
Yet, as much as you are ready, waiting for baby can be scary too. I am sometimes fearful I won't be able to rock it, that the pain will be too much, or that I will be too tired. I am trying to just be real about where my emotions are at. You are SO excited, yet also kinda completely intimidated by it all.
Weight gain/loss: 62-66 going up and down quite a bit. It's so weird how some days I am much more swollen then others.
Stretch marks: Yes Mam, and these last 3-4 days they are CRAZY itchy! AHH. It has probably increased to me taking more baths or showers during the day to relax, but my heart just goes out to the momma's that have had this the whole time they are pregnant. It's definitely been the most frustrating/discouraging.
Sleep: Definitely getting way harder. Smaller stretches and it's kind of tough when you are awake at 3am for no reason at all. Trying to read scripture to calm myself down in the am.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Been eating a lot less since last Thursday, since yesterday I want all the GF chocolate chip cookies I can find ;).
Movement: Yes! He was super active over the weekend and was quite quiet yesterday until late night. Hoping he is resting up for his arrival!
What I'm loving: Having NOTHING on our calendar. I definitely these last weeks have just wanted to crawl up and stay at home with Matt and just be here with each other. It's odd for me as I am super social, but I just want to spend time with him. Water walking was great last week in the nights, but I am a little afraid it's what has set off my itching and just want to encourage gravity so normal walking I think will be the way to go until after his due date.
Symptoms: Itchy Belly, sore hips, ear pressure, low belly aches, waves (contractions), tight tummy. Sleepy often.
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this BABY! I really really really hope he comes this week.
Best moment of the week: Seeing our doctor yesterday morning and having my BP be normal and him really calm all our fears that we had over the weekend, cause we couldn't see him on Friday (he was birthing) also, Matt has been so incredibly helpful and generous while he is home. I am so grateful to have such an amazing man as my hubby and little man's daddy!
Verse that I am clinging to: Psalm 46:1-3 – “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride.”
To be honest, I am tired and discouraged. I don't know that I would be if we haven't had all these. We might be having a baby today, days, but just trying to look at it as a sign that the Lord wants more one-one time of me to trust him. Through this, through everything. Trying hard to surrender everything, including every body ache, fear and worry. A VERY PRESENT help in time of need. He is. HE IS.
We took photos on Saturday night after sunset just because we weren't sure if we would be pregnant the next day. So hoping to take a couple more tomorrow to match the feel of our others, these are just so dark and grainy. But at least we have them right?
| 39 Weeks and 2 Days in these above |
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