Walking in the Lord's Grace day by day....


17 Weeks

How big is baby: Sweet Potato | 17 Weeks
How I'm feeling: Pretty good. Feeling crazy grateful for feeling great. Still in that odd zone of not feeling anything and not super showing yet. I cannot wait for our 19 week appt and getting to see this little babes, Lord willing healthy and moving around!
Weight gain/loss: 9.5. Feeling positive, I am eating well and working out and that is all I can control.
Stretch marks: None that I see yet. Still have to ask my mom if she got them?
Sleep: These last two weeks have been great. I have been reading a ton (like a book every day or so and then other chapters in ones too) seriously really enjoying having the time to read!
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Nothing out of the ordinary. I love my new drink at the tea shop, the berries and cream tea with bubbles and I am definitely craving like cakeish type of things in the morning. I have been making this awesome GF treat!
Movement: None. Hoping soon. Definitely feeling a bit discouraged after hearing a couple others due weeks after me that are feeling flips, but just trying to listen to the normal trend that FTM feel it a bit later especially if you have a tipped uterus.
What I'm loving: Like I said before reading, it's nuts how much and how excited I get to finish a book. OFF SEASON. I sat at the tea shop and did devotions this morning and just was so grateful for this time. Time of reflection, time to breathe, time to just be. So grateful for a successful 2013, and praying that 2014 will yield great results as well!
Symptoms: Bloated Chest, honest finding a bra right now is a crazy challenge. I am so nervous my boobs will always stick out more than my belly! Other than that just having to pee a lot more. That's it these days. Also the occasional hip sting from standing up too fast and such. (round ligament pain I think)
What I'm looking forward to: Being another week closer to finding out if this baby is a boy or girl!
Best moment of the week: Honestly snagging a pair of Maternity Jeans on clearance, cause I feel a bit more human! I haven't worn jeans since MTH when I was barely 3/4 weeks pregnant. Also feeling super productive using the app to plan our meals and just our house feels more put together.
Verse that I am clinging to:
The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action. Daniel 11:32b
I insta'd this verse this week. I came upon it in the first couple of pages of my new devotional study. This is exactly where my heart is at. To know the Lord more deeply so that I can stand in Him and take action and emulate Him. To know and trust Him as a whole.

        | 17 weeks and 6 days |


  1. I'm sorry if I made you feel discouraged. I feel really bad. :( I know that what I'm feeling is not the NORM for FTM's... most women say 20 weeks is normal. We actually haven't heard the heartbeat yet, which would have terrified me, if we didn't see baby doing flips on the ultrasound.

    You look GREAT though!! And I totally understand your pain with the "Bloated Chest" Oh my word... it's crazy! I'm LOVING this blog!

    1. Oh girl! Don't worry at all. You are one of some very special ladies that can feel movement!! I just think the Lord gives us all differences to work on special places in our hearts and to give us gifts if some pregnancy moments have been rough. I personally think he is really working on my faith, no matter the circumstances. So don't feel bad, it's just my heart and the Lord and wanting to record where my heart is at.

  2. Looking fab mama! Looking forward to reading if baby is a boy or girl.

    1. Thank you girl! I am laughing as I just stuffed down a bag of skittles. Excited to find out as well! :) Much LOVE!

  3. Love this blog, and every other site you post on!! You look fantastic and I'm so happy for you!! You're so inspiring! I hope you feel those movements soon, so fun!

  4. This bra...seriously...Amanda can attest as well: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003DV30ZA

    1. I honest don't think the XL will fit. I might try to order and then see. Darn big chest. In the FF's or G's these days :(

  5. I am so happy for you and Matt! This blog is precious. I love how you convey your heart, your honest and raw emotion. God is patiently working with all of us. Ryan and I lost a baby the beginning of December at almost 10 weeks along, we were due the beginning of July. Everything happens for a reason, but on the the whole trusting God issue - well I hear ya on that. I am continually going to be praying for you!!! And will be praying especially for your 20 week ultrasound coming up. May you find out the best news - that baby Z is healthy growing and may he/she cooperate so you can find out the gender- SO Exciting!! ... And may it bring you much peace and comfort and renew and refine your trust in the Lord. He is trustworthy
    So very happy for you!!!!! God is good, praising Him along with you guys!. -Rebekah Connaker

    1. Rebekah!

      Thanks so much for reaching out girl. I am so so so sorry to hear about your loss. I can't even imagine the pain. Thank you so many for the sweet words and blessings! Much LOVE!

    2. You are so welcome, Gina ....Yes, the miscarriage was very painful indeed, heart-wrenching, however we trust and have found peace in knowing that EVERYTHING that happens has to go through HIS hands first.

      I am just loving coming across your blog and following along on your journey as my due date was July 5th ...so it is especially fun to see where you are at :)Thanks for documenting this journey, and sharing your heart. Also...so VERY exciting you are having a BOY!!! (awesome gender reveal video, by the way, LOVE) You and Matt will be amazing parents because you have JESUS. Take Care, You are LOVED - Rebekah


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