Walking in the Lord's Grace day by day....


12 Weeks

How big is baby: Around the size of a plum | 12 Weeks
How I'm feeling: This week I started the week off strong with full days of getting things done and working out. I tried out an aqua class, more treadmill, and a cardio/weights class mid-week. That class kicked my buns. Which is hilarious, because the average age in that class was probably 65 and I could barely get out of bed the next day. Too much grape-vining and toe tapping for this lady. HA. My body definitely told me I needed to recoup the next couple of days. I honestly just think it's the first time I used my abs in close to 3 months and I just was really good sore. But learning it just takes me more days to recover. Hoping to add more aqua after Christmas! So tired. tired. tired. But also feeling good in between the exhaustion.
Weight gain/loss: Up 1-2
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: This week honestly not at as great as I have been getting up earlier. I definitely am paying for it.
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Pomegranate seeds, Bubble gum and Cheesy Eggs are the HUGE favorites. Most fruit does the trick!  Definitely still have aversions to things like raw meat, funny textures and definite smells.
Movement: None Yet.
What I'm loving: Getting all dolled up for photos, I felt super pretty for the first time in weeks, check that, months. Thank you so much Lauren, Renee and Leah!!! Also, the Dave Barnes new Christmas CD. This rendition of Little Drummer Boy and the little balloons in the photo below.
Symptoms: ExhaustionBreast Tenderness, Super Soreness and slow recovery time from Exercise.
What I'm looking forward to: Announcing this amazing blessing to the world and sharing our fun new photos.
Best moment of the week: Announcing this amazing blessing to the world and sharing our fun new photos before Christmas. Then being able to enjoy Christmas with everyone knowing our secret :). Also, getting the all clear from a family member who had experienced Cancer last year. SO MUCH TO PRAISE GOD ABOUT!!!!
Verse that I am clinging to: Romans 5:5  And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

To be honest. I have been so afraid to hope. So afraid to be joyful for in fear that it will all be taken away. I still in fear of losing this beautiful gift. I fear I will feel shameful for being excited. These are constant battling emotions in my heart. Fully handing this Baby's life over to the Lord and knowing He only knows if this baby will make it to term, if we will be able to cherish this baby for millions of days and years to come. The Lord just keeps drilling into my soul that I need to give this little life and MY LIFE to Him always, every second.  Because He is sovereign and I believe that completely, so why do I try so hard to hold onto my worry, when He is the only one that can bring me peace. I am definitely learning and trying and learning through each day of this pregnancy. (honestly hard to write that and feel like it's real!) We will continue to Praise Him for TODAY. That I am (as far as I know) still carrying a child today. That is SUCH an answer to prayer. 

Some more of our fun announcement pictures found here!! 


  1. My sincerest congrats to you! I have followed your blog for what seems like forever and just had to come out of lurking for this. I can't wait to follow your journey of amazing human growth. Your body will and can do miraculous things. Congrats!

  2. Congrats Gina and Matt!! I am so excited for this journey of pregnancy and parenthood! Praising God for your story and His grace and faithfulness! My sister-in-law has a similar story and also went gluten free this last year and miraculously got pregnant! It is a constant reminder of how good God really is!! I get pretty emotional thinking about it! I will be keeping you and little peanut in my daily prayers! Enjoy this time! It is truly so amazing!

  3. I will love reading your updates. I was thrilled to read your pregnancy announcement as always loved your honesty during your struggles. After 3 years of struggle and fertility treatments, we are 16.5 weeks pregnant with twin boys. Praise God!


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